2014 Spider Awards

2014 Photography Awards

The 2014 Spider Awards were announced last weekend. Entered in the Professional stream of the Nature and Architecture categories, three of my photographs were nominated to the final round in this highly competitive genre of photography. Time ‘Out(side)’ was also recently awarded an Honorable Mention in the 2014 Px3 awards last month. See here for […]

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Px3 Award 2014

Time Out-Side.         I’m honored to be placed on the list of awarded photographers at the International Px3 Competition of 2014. When this particular photograph was made, I had been working within this correctional center for 5 hours; fluorescent lights, sterile surfaces, and dry processed air. I then stepped into this space; […]

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2014 Work to date – 8×8

Work to date during 2014. Seasons are changing, let’s plan ahead. If you would like to download a copy of this book, please send me an email Venice Bienalle Photographs can be seen here

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German Inside, German Outside

Courtyard or Living room. The German exhibit….I loved it.  What is inside, what is outside? Highly detailed and beautifully constructed, this exhibit kept toying with you.  There were ideas of a building within a building.  It was after all the reconstruction of the Chancellor’s Bungalow in Bonn. To see more Venice Bienalle Photographs go here

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Riding with Eddy

What better way to have a day out. Riding in the Italian countryside with Mr Merckz To see more Venice Bienalle Photographs go here

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